Repair - Unable to boot PC

March 27, 2023 2 min read

Repair - Unable to boot PC

Repair: Failure to boot PC

Components Changed:

Power Supply: Silverstone 650W 80+ Gold

Service Fees: $60

Total: $185


This customer brought in a PC stating that it could not be turned on. 

We tested it out and the same thing happened, with no indicators on the motherboard. 

With this simple test, it indicated that the motherboard was not drawing any power from the power supply unit (PSU). 

We then used a tester power supply and plugged it into the PC to see if it was indeed the PSU causing the failure-to-boot issue and it turned out to be true. 

This is the new power supply unit that will be installed to replace the faulty one - the Silverstone 650W 80+ Gold. 

However, you might be wondering what caused the power supply to fail?

There are several potential causes for PSU (Power Supply Unit) failure, including:

  1. Overheating: PSU failure can occur if the unit overheats due to insufficient ventilation or if the fan inside the PSU fails. (dust and dirt can clog up inside and cause overheating as well)

  2. Power surges: Power surges or spikes can cause damage to the PSU and other components in the computer. These can be caused by lightning strikes, power outages, or problems with the electrical grid.

  3. Age: Like all components, PSUs have a limited lifespan, and over time, the components inside the PSU can wear out or become damaged, leading to failure.

  4. Electrical interference: Some types of electrical interference, such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio frequency interference (RFI), can cause issues with the PSU and other components.

  5. Manufacturing defects: Rarely, PSU failure can occur due to defects in the manufacturing process or faulty components.

  6. Overloading: Overloading the PSU by connecting too many components or peripherals to it can cause it to fail.


This is the completed repair with the new power supply unit installed. 

We stress-tested the PC to ensure that everything was running fine before we returned it to the customer.